Lastka's Commissions


persuade me with money! it might work.

Commission Prices

All prices are in Canadian Dollar value. ($CAD)

feel free to ask for more clarification if necessary

^^^ Sketch vs Illustration ^^^
(Regular style)

^^^ Sketch vs Illustration ^^^
(Chibi style)

SIZE & TYPEChibi SketchChibi Illust.Reg. SketchReg. Illust.
waist up$20$30$25$40
thigh up$25$35$30$55
full body$30$40$35$60
Additional Character(s)+ 15% per character
Mecha/Animals+ 10% per gear set/creature
Complex Lighting+ 15%
Complex Background+ 15%
Fandom discount- 20% of total price ♡

(For fees regarding deadlines, changes and refunds, read Terms of Service)


I probably wanted a reason to draw them anyway.

Order process / Terms of Service

Be sure to read and understand everything in this section before ordering a commission! If you need any clarification about something, please ask!


  • Currently, all commissions are offered as digital-only, however, physical copy possibilities are open to discussion if interested.

  • Reference images of your chosen character(s) are required! Colours, items, clothes, etc. The more the better. Additional character information and backstory is helpful to bring out the character's self into the piece.

  • If the order lacks specificity, I have full creative freedom in terms of pose and expression.

  • When completed, you will receive a signed artwork by email. I will also need the client's email in order to send the invoice.


  • Prices are all in CAD (Canadian Dollar) value.

  • Full payment upfront! I will not begin an artwork until payment comes through. Payment accepted through PayPal and e-transfer.

  • Tips (not mandatory) are warmly accepted through Ko-Fi linked below.


  • The client may cancel a request at any time with a full refund until I reach the colouring stage of an artwork, at which point the refund will only be in half.

  • I reserve the right to decline or cancel a request if I am uncomfortable or find I am unable to complete it. Refund rule applies the same way here.


  • Commissioned artwork will be for the client's personal use only! That means; pfp use, wallpaper use and posting (with credit) is permitted.

  • I do not allow for anyone to make profit off my work in any way, be it physical, virtual or fictional currency, unless a special agreement has been made with the client.

  • Others are not to use the commissioned piece in any way.

  • I reserve the right to use the artwork as an example of my work and the choice to post the piece on my feed unless you specifically request otherwise.

  • I do not support or participate in NFTs.

  • I do not consent for my work to be used in AI training or data collection.


  • Primarily no deadline, but if you want for the piece to be done by a certain time, that can be arranged for an additional fee up to 50%. Fee will be determined by me, based on client urgency and my availability.

  • I will be sending several examples in initial sketch phase to choose from. At this point, the client may ask for more attempts for no additional cost.

  • Throughout the rest of the process I will continue to send updates both by my judgement of when I make significant progress and as requested. The client may continue to guide me to their desired direction as they see fit.

  • Streaming progress by discord is an option if the client is interested. No recording allowed. This will require us to be available at the same time, therefore progress will be slower to account for our personal schedules.

  • Minor corrections (e.g. colour, detail) at any point will not cost additional fees but significant changes (e.g. posing) after the sketching phase has been done, will be another 15% of character price.

  • There will be no more than 3 major changes post-sketch phase, so be sure you like the sketch before moving on!

I reserve the right to change this site as needed. If changes occur in the duration of our exchange, you will be notified. Prices will remain as they were during the initial order process. The last edited date will be posted at the footer of every page. If you're worried about outdated notes, feel free to ask!Lastly, please remember to be respectful at all times. Let me know if you have any questions about my commissions and I'll do my best to answer clearly! Thank you for viewing my comm info page!

Now that you've read everything here, you can reach out to me to start your order! I am best reached through Insta or Discord, both linked below. Be sure to include your purpose of messaging if it's the first message in our dm! ♡


Hi! This page is under construction. In the meantime, feel free to explore my feed on my Instagram as that is where i post majority of my art.